Quaking Aspen

Week 12
Year 2016
A trunk or stem of Pando a quaking aspen tree.
Image Credit: "A trunk or stem of Pando" by Scott Catron © CC BY-SA 2.5

At an estimated 13,200,000 lbs with an age of roughly 80,000 years, the giant Redwood found its match. By an Aspen tree? Pando is a Quaking Aspen tree, and thought to be the heaviest known organism on planet Earth. Located in Utah, this Aspen tree’s mass is primarily hidden underground, taking up over 100 acres of space.[1] At first glance a single Aspen tree can appear to be a group of several trees. When infact, the Aspen tree can have many clones connected by a single root system underground. Fascinating![2]

Do you know any fun facts or tips?


[1]: McDermott, Mat. "Utah Aspen Grove Is 80,000 Years Old." TreeHugger. September 20, 2012. Accessed March 28, 2016. http://www.treehugger.com/natural-sciences/utah-aspen-grove-80000-years-old.html.

[2]: National Park Service. "Quaking Aspen." National Parks Service. Accessed March 28, 2016. https://www.nps.gov/brca/learn/nature/quakingaspen.htm.